Learn The 4 Phases Of Your Menstrual Cycle In 90 Seconds

Crash course! 🙌 Before you can start cycle syncing, you gotta understand the (not-too-confusing-I-promise) science:

🔴 Menstrual phase: your period
🟢 Follicular phase: between your period and leading up to ovulation
🟡 Ovulatory phase: around ovulation
🔵 Luteal phase: between ovulation until your next period

Extra credit:

Biologically speaking, there are two phases, follicular (ALL the time BEFORE ovulation, including your whole period) and luteal (ALL the time AFTER ovulation).

But obviously, your period and ovulation are such big events that they give their own symptoms and "special effects". 😊

Learn all about your four phases and how to use them to your benefit in my book!