Tips for Flying While on Your Period

Do your flights seem to always coincide with the start of your period?

Or is that just me?

The good news is, if you’re tracking your cycles, you’ll have a heads up as to whether or not you may have your period as you travel. (If you track ovulation and know your luteal phase length, you’ll know up to a couple weeks in advance!)

A lot of us get nervous about traveling on our periods. What if I leak? What if I can’t get to a restroom? What if I start bleeding mid-flight?

With just a bit of preparation, you can have period peace of mind even as you endure the cramped legroom, teeny snacks and luggage fiascos.

Bookmark these tips for next time you fly!

Prevent and Treat Leaks

Prepare for leaks, even if you don’t usually get them. The plane isn’t an awesome place for your first big leak, ya know?

Try these ideas:

  • If you're lucky/strategic, you might be able to book an aisle seat for easy restroom access. (Not necessary, though— don’t let the fear of “excuse me” hold you back!)

  • This could be a great time to try out period underwear as a backup to your cup/tampon/pad. At minimum, you can wear a liner even if you have a tampon or cup.

  • Cups have a higher capacity than tampons. If you're thinking about making the switch to a cup, practice using it for a couple cycles before your flight so you get comfortable using it correctly!

Pack Smart

You don’t need to overhaul your packing plan. Just a few tiny modifications will keep period panic at bay.

Try these ideas:

  • Make a little "period purse" to keep with your personal item (the bag you keep under the seat in front of you, not overhead). Keep inside:

    • Extra tampons/pads

    • A teeny bottle of hand sanitizer

    • A plastic baggie (to store leak-stained underwear to deal with later-- in a real pinch, use the airsickness bag)

    • Optional baby wipes (do not flush, please!)

    • An extra pair of underwear if you tend to leak

  • Keep an extra pair of pants or shorts in your carry-on, in case you need a change.

  • Get cramps or other symptoms? Bring travel-sized or pre-portioned supplies of what you usually use to cope (medications, balms, lavender oil, etc.).

Keep it Comfy

I get that travel influencers somehow look super cute during air travel, but don’t feel the pressure to look super fashionable. This is a time for comfort!

Try these ideas:

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes. Avoid tight waists since it can exacerbate period discomfort.

  • Eat a nourishing, warm meal before your flight that you know your digestive system tolerates.

  • Think full-body comfort: bring fuzzy socks and a travel pillow, and try to stand, walk or stretch every 1-2 hours.

  • Bring your favorite tea and ask for hot water.

  • HYDRATE! Water is queen.

If You're Not Tracking Your Cycles…

  • You should start! :)

  • Bring a period purse as described under Pack Smart, just in case. Don’t fly without supplies, just in case!



And to end on a fun fact:

The air pressure changes mean that your flow will be lighter while in the air (but will return to heavy upon landing). Science is wild…

Do you have any travel hacks that make flying more comfortable?


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