The TTC Dictionary (AKA Fertility Lingo)

I'm TTC so we DTD every night I'm near O, and I hope when I POAS my HPT is a BFP!

...Say what?

If you're new to the fertility world, you might stumble across some groups or forums with a TON of acronyms. Don't worry-- I gotchu with this 'lil cheat sheet. And you'll quickly get a hang of it!

Trying to conceive (that's TTC!) and coming across unexpected challenges is, well... challenging. Thankfully, there are a ton of support groups, blogs and online resources for people who are going through different fertility journeys.

Learn the lingo now so you can hop right into the conversation.

AF - Aunt Flo (period)

BBT - Basal body temperature

BD - Baby dance (as in sex!)

Beta - Beta pregnancy test

BFN - Big fat negative (on a HPT)

BFP - Big fat positive (on a HPT)

BW - Blood work

CD - Cycle day

CD3 - The third day of your cycle

CM/CF - Cervical mucus/fluid

DI - Donor insemination

DPO - Days past ovulation

DTD - Do the deed

EW, EWCM, EWCF - Egg white cervical mucus/fluid (the most fertile type)

FMU - First morning urine (ideal for pregnancy tests)

GC - Gestational carrier

HPT - Home pregnancy test

MC - Miscarriage

MF - Male factor infertility

O - Ovulation

OPK - Ovulation prediction kit

POAS - Pee on a Stick

RPL - Recurrent pregnancy loss

SI - Secondary infertility

TTC - Trying To conceive

TWW - Two week wait (to see if pregnancy occurs after ovulation or IVF)


Got any lingo to add?