5 Simple Premenstrual Running Hacks

How I run for 3 hours with 4,000'+ elevation gain in the days before my period without breaking a (metaphorical) sweat:

1) I pre-load electrolytes and take them in during the run. This helps compensate for my higher core temperature in the luteal phase.

2) I eat hormone-happy snacks with whole ingredients mid-run. You need more carbohydrates per hour after ovulation!

3) I refuel with protein + carbs IMMEDIATELY after finishing. Progesterone is catabolic, and I want to avoid progesterone breaking down muscle after a tough workout!

4) I recover hard in my luteal phase, including taking sleep seriously. Sleep is SO important for healthy hormones + avoiding PMS!

5) I track how training affects my menstrual cycle and know when I need to take action in order to prevent period problems, injury + fatigue. Charting my cycles changed everything and definitely made me a stronger athlete!

Your body's reaction to exercise changes across your menstrual cycle.

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