5 Fun Facts About Sperm!

Can we please normalize the totally amazing things human reproductive systems do?

I’m a big fan of fun facts. When I have visitors from out of town, I’m that annoying person pointing out random fun facts as we drive by every mildly interesting part of town. Sorry in advance.

BUT! I believe that fun facts give people a sense of awe and appreciation for things they may have never before considered.

And today, I want you to be in appreciative awe of sperm.
So, please enjoy five fun facts about these ‘lil swimmers!

Fact #1: One individual sperm takes around 72 days to be produced.

It’s a whole freaking journey for the teeny sex cell. They even get allotted time to learn how to swim!

Planning to try to conceive soon? Have your partner focus on health for a few months to reach that 72 day benchmark in order to get the healthiest sperm.

Fact #2: Sperm need to develop in temperatures cooler than the body.

3-4 degrees F cooler than normal body temp, to be precise. Now you know why testes are external organs!

Fact #3: Average production is 100-300 MILLION sperm per day!

Just… wow. No wonder they have to compete so hard to become the Chosen One.

Fact #4: Semen has special qualities to protect sperm.

Semen comes out of the penis in a jelly-like consistency that prevents initial leakage out of the vagina (since it’s trying to get the sperm to stay in there!).

The sugar in semen gives the sperm energy to GO! But soon, the sugary gel melts, causing it to finally leak out of the vagina. Surprise!

Fact #5: Sperm can survive in your cervical fluid for 5 days.

This fact is a huge component of Fertility Awareness for birth control (and for conception as well). If you have unprotected sex five days before you ovulate, the sperm may still be alive to fertilize the egg once it’s released.

So, anytime you observe cervical fluid is a potential fertile day. Avoid intercourse or use a barrier method if you’re trying to prevent pregnancy, and go for it if you’re TTC!



Sperm are microscopic, but surprisingly powerful. They’re produced every day and can show up anytime— whereas your egg only makes an appearance about once a month. There’s a lot we didn’t know growing up, but…

The more you can learn about both types of sex cells, the more comfortable you’ll be when making decisions about your fertility!

Have a fun fact to share about sperm? What about eggs?