What is a Fertility Doula?

There are countless paths to parenthood. None are easy.

But some are more difficult than expected.

If you want to have a baby and are experiencing challenges along your journey, I hear you, see you and feel for you. You might feel lonely, confused, angry or pretty much any combination of emotions out there. Fertility challenges are common, but many people don’t get the support they need.

I am proud to offer fertility doula services to clients. I also understand this concept is still kinda fringe, so let’s dig a bit deeper.

Who can benefit from a fertility doula?

Anyone who is looking for support during their reproductive journey may find that a fertility doula helps them feel as comfortable and knowledgeable as possible, wherever the path takes them.

You might seek support from a fertility doula if you…

  • are beginning to track your cycles

  • are planning to start IVF (in vitro fertilization)

  • have already experienced one or multiple rounds of IVF

  • face fertility complications (like endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, etc.)

  • have had a miscarriage or loss

  • feel overwhelmed with choices and want research assistance

  • want to nurture your relationship with your partner through it all

  • want to conceive mindfully

Not to mention, having a fertility doula can be super helpful for the partner! As a trained professional, a fertility doula like me can help both partners process their thoughts and feelings. You’re not alone.

What does a fertility doula do?

Imagine a triangle of support. Label the points of the imaginary triangle with the words “physical,” “emotional, and “informational.” Then, put SUPPORT in big beautiful block letters in the middle!

When you work with a fertility doula, your support will fall somewhere within that triangle. You’ll find support in all three points, but most people tend to need a bit more or less from certain points. That’s the beauty of having a doula— the services are 100% customizable to YOU!

You receive individualized strategies and action steps for your lifestyle as your navigate preconception and maximize fertility. Together, you develop an action plan with self-care steps for you to use after the session to feel more confident and balanced moving forward.


  • In-person support at appointments or procedures, as desired

  • Provide mind-body options for stress relief (creating balanced statements, relaxation techniques and guided meditation)

  • Help through miscarriage/loss


  • Knowledge and understanding about the realities of infertility

  • In-person or virtual sounding board

  • Help couples stay connected and on the same page

  • Tools to remove mental and emotional roadblocks


  • Guidance with fertility charting

  • Know what questions to ask healthcare providers

  • Provide up-to-date and evidence-based research on tests, treatments and procedures

  • Explain what to expect emotionally, physically and mentally for tests, treatments and procedures

  • Help understand all options and make informed decisions

  • Suggest additional supportive resources in the community

Do fertility doulas offer medical services or advice?

Nope! Doulas are not medical providers and do not offer medical advice. They strictly perform non-medical services. They do, however, make a great addition to your support team along with your healthcare and alternative care providers.

Your doula should be judgement-free and unbiased. As a fertility doula, I love to serve ALL people and families and believe they know what is right for them. I only consult evidence-based resources to share with clients, and I tailor my services to what my clients want and need.

If you want to connect with a fertility doula for any reason, hit that contact button! I’d love to hear you and see how I can help.

Have you heard of a fertility doula before? What about a birth doula?